Blog Friday, July 21 2023
Fight the Good Fight of Faith for Your Life!
A while ago, in a phone conversation with one of my cousins who lives in Georgia; she told me of a comment that my Mom had made about me in reference to my commitment to maintain good health and wellbeing. The conversation went somewhat like this… my cousin speaking to mom, “Aunt Nunnie, Jean (that’s my middle name) sho do look good for her age”. Mom responding”, “You know she is not going down without a fight”. When my counsin repeated this conversation to me, something went off in me like a light bulb! I was inspired because it’s refreshing to hear how others perceive you, especially someone like my mom who was a great “General of life”! She earned this title by gathering 86 years of wisdom, fighting the good fight of Faith, for herself, her family and many others who were blessed to know her.
It’s now clearer to me that we must fight for what is important and significant to us during this journey called life. I shared the above life experience, not to bring glory to myself, but to inspire and spur us on to continue to fight the good fight of Faith. Without faith it's impossible to please God. And He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him.
You may have heard this comment, “Anything worth having in life is worth fighting for”. Before proceeding, I will define “fighting”. The “fighting” I am referring to is not malicious or harmful. I am not talking about pulling out weapons, or using harsh words, what I am talking about is having a “bulldog tenacity” to win at those things that are important to you in life by trusting the Lord. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty—you will succeed because of my Spirit".
Here are some wisdom steps for fighting the good fight for your life:
To Your Health and Happiness,
Monday, July 03 2023
Fight for Your Life!
A while ago, in a phone conversation with one of my relative who lives in Georgia, she told me of a comment that my Mom had made about me in reference to my commitment to maintain good health and wellbeing. The conversation went somewhat like this… my relative speaking to mom, “Aunt Nunnie, Jean (that’s my middle name) sho do look good for her age”. Mom responding”, “You know she is not going down without a fight”. When my relative repeated this conversation to me, something went off in me like a light bulb! I was inspired because it’s refreshing to hear how others perceive you, especially someone like my mom who was a “General of life”. She earned this title by gathering 86 years of wisdom nuggets, fighting the good fight of faith, for herself and for her family. This wisdom life nugget is worth repeating.
It’s now clearer to me that we must fight for what is important and significant to us during this journey called life. I shared the above life experience, not to bring glory to myself, but to inspire and spur us on to continue to fight for our life!
You may have heard this comment, “Anything worth having in life is worth fighting for”. Before proceeding further, I will define “fighting”. The “fighting” I am referring to is not malicious or harmful. I am not talking about pulling out weapons, or using harsh words, what I am talking about is having a “bulldog tenacity” to win at those things that are important to in life.
Here are some wisdom nuggets for fighting the good fight for your life:
Focus on the total you, being spirit, mind and body. Optimum health is achieved with a balanced approach. Feed your spirit with the Word of God. Feed the mind with good thoughts avoid negative thought and negative people. Feed your body with good natural food and some form of frequent exercise. The biggest battle we fight is between our ears. Many have lost the battle of a healthy, vibrant life by negative and impure thoughts. The Bible states: “For as he thinks in his heart so is he”. We must train our brain to think good thoughts. A scripture reference for good thoughts… “finally brothers and sisters whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, it anything is excellent and praiseworthy think about such things.”
Have a Safe and Happy July 4th!
To Your Health and Happiness,
Dot High-Steed is a Life Coach, who has over 30 years of experience in health/wellness, ministry, business and education.
Dot may be reached at: oneononewdot@yahoo.com https://www.successunlimitedwdot.com https://www.facebook.com/success2050