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Dot High Steed
Success Coach
Tuesday, December 24 2019

The True Reason for the Christmas Season



Christmas is a time for the celebration of the birth of Christ, “Christmas” is a two-part word; Christ (the Anointed One) and Mass(a service which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) as Christians we remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life. Billions of people celebrate Christmas around the world, the majority of the people like myself, celebrate for religious purpose. For many others, the celebration is cultural, centered around commercialism. 


Gift giving is a big part of the Christmas season. Many people will spend large sum of money to buy gifts for family and friends. The commercialization of Christmas entices us to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on gifts, many will spend money they do not have, in other words; incurring debt that could take years to pay off.  I encourage each of us to pause, and reflect on the real reason for the season and on the tradition of gift giving.  The Gospels states that the Wise Men, who were distinguished, wealthy foreigners visited the baby Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. As you open those beautiful wrapped presents this Christmas remember it all started with a celebration of Jesus birth!


 I will continue to expound on our Christmas tradition of “gift giving”. The Bible states that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, who came in the form of a man, borne a baby unto a Virgin, named Mary. This illustrates the greatest gift of all, the reason for the “Gift of Jesus”, is God’s love for all mankind. The scriptures continue to state, “that whosoever believes in this “Gift” shall not perish, but have everlasting life”! What great love displayed by the Lord! This is the miracle of Christmas, the love of God.


As we gather with our families and friends during this Christmas, let’s us not forget the “true reason” for our celebrations. Our natural families are a representation of God’s desire that we will come to the full knowledge of His divine purpose to accept His “Gift” and be eternally united to His family!


I would like to encourage all of us to follow the example set by God “to love our neighbors as ourselves”. To pray for peace and love for ourselves, our families, friends and all people of the world. 


Have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, Happy New Year!


Peace and Love to All!



Dot High-Steed is a Health and Life Coach, who has over 25 years of experience in health/wellness, business and education. 


Dot may be reached at:









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