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You Can Do It! I Can Help!

Dot High Steed
Success Coach
Monday, August 22 2016

                                                Decide to Live Longer! Aging Healthy Part I of II


At the turn of the last century life expectancy was 47 years. At the turn of this century life expectancy is 78.7 years. There's a circle of experts who agree that we have the tools available today to live to be 120 years. Healthy aging is a decision. Aging healthy involves 70% lifestyle and 30% genetics.

The great news is you can change lifestyle if not genetics. Begin with self-awareness; take an honest look at your high risk behaviors: 1. Do you eat well? 2. Do you have high blood pressure? 3. How's your cholesterol? 4. How's your life outlook (attitude)? 5. Do you exercise? 6. How are you balancing life? Cardiovascular exercises not only keep your body fit but keep the brain fit, particular the frontal lobe which deals with memory. Aerobic exercises like walking, biking or swimming; reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colon cancer, muscle atrophy and fend off depression which can become more common with aging. Aerobic exercises focus on the part of the brain that help you focus, concentrate, improves positive attitude and problem solve.

Research has proven that mental exercises such as reading books, doing crossword puzzles, word games can help maintain mental acuity. If you do not use your mental faculties you will lose them. Just as if you do not use your muscles they weaken. A sedentary lifestyle can cripple your independence. If you let yourself become inactive, you will hinder your ability to take care of yourself by promoting physical and mental deterioration. Regular exercise, on the other hand increases muscular fitness and bone density, improves stamina and strength, enhances posture, improves balance and coordination, heightens self-esteem and increases the ability to perform everyday activities.

No matter how old you are, you are probably able to exercise to some extent and reap its reward. Before beginning any exercise program check with your physician. A thorough medical examination and an exercise tolerance test (stress test) are advised. Be sure your doctor reviews your medications to avoid drug associated complications during exercise. Older people are more easily injured and slower to heal than younger people. Therefore, once you have gotten medical clearance, it is important to get sound advice from a health and fitness expert who can help prescribe a safe and effective program.

Do it for your Body, Mind and Spirit, Just Do It! To Your Health and Happiness!

Dot High-Steed, Life Coach

Posted by: Dot Steed AT 10:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email